Email Marketing: How to Get More Customers and Increase Revenue

How to Get More Customers and Increase Revenue

Email marketing is an effective form of online advertising. It is important to learn how to properly use email marketing so that you can document your success and also make sure that you never lose potential customers because of an ineffective or unprofessional approach. It reaches people who are interested in your position and can build relationships that last long after the initial communication. These relationships can then be leveraged to develop more traffic to your website, service, sales funnels, webinars, products, events etc.

Why You Should Use Email Marketing

The key to email marketing is being creative and making it attractive, educational and engaging for your subscribers. While direct mail marketing through the postal service is still one of the best options, it can be difficult to compete with free services such as Mailchimp, which is free to sign up for. There are a variety of features on Email providers from, self-hosted, to Active Campaign, Send-In-Blue, Mailchimp etc with a number of ways to build your list. Some are specific to email marketing, while others are for creating a mailing list in general. Emails can be useful in different ways depending on the time of year, the product or service, and the specific goals that you have for your business.

How to Get Started with Email Marketing

You can start using email marketing by simply opening an account and creating your own address. You do not need a fancy website or fancy graphics to send out emails. It is easy to have your customers follow you on other social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, or even better, they can simply sign up to receive your email at your existing email address. How to Gain the Likes of Your Competitors If you are looking to gain more customers, you can also follow your competitors and monitor their strategies to see what is working and what is not. In addition to that, you can also use a simple rank tracker to see where you rank against the competition and how your competitors are performing compared to yours. This will help you identify which strategies need more work.

What to Do with Your Emails

One key to successful email marketing is to avoid spamming people. You can follow the FTC guidelines to avoid this issue and the platform guidelines. Make your email unique to your business, yet not generic. Write a subject line that tells people exactly why they should open your email. People have an inherent distrust for email as a system. Even if you get a lot of people to open your email, you are likely to lose at least 50% of those readers. When people open your email, what do you want them to do?

How to Create a Successful Email Campaign

You can create an email campaign by identifying who the prospect is and looking at your data so that you can understand what they like and dislike. The earlier you can get in touch with your customers, the more likely it is that they will be interested in what you have to say. Decide if your campaign is going to be personalised or targeted at your ideal customer. People are becoming more sophisticated in their search for information and therefore they want to be contacted by the companies they do business within the best way possible. Use the same templates you would use for a website. Emails are always on the screen. It's a lot easier to select a template than try to write something yourself. Be realistic and measure your results. A campaign is not a silver bullet.

Things to consider:

  • Banner tracking

  • Storytelling

  • Strategy

  • Selling

  • Making an offer

  • Lead Generation

  • Data and UTM’s

  • Upselling

  • Quality scoring


Email marketing provides you with a way to connect with existing customers or potential customers. You can use email marketing to build your online reputation and also lead to regular revenue for your business. Make sure that you are well informed about the strategies that work best for your business, then you will be able to make the most of your marketing efforts.