The Business EQ Method

Connect, Emote & Convert

The Business EQ Method

Connect - People are wired to connect with each other. They want to tell you about their lives, problems, and successes. And when you listen to them, they'll listen back.

Emo-Chat - When you empathise with someone, it's not just about understanding where they're coming fromβ€”it's about being able to put yourself in their shoes and really feel what they're going through. People will notice and appreciate this kind of connection.

Convert - When you convert someone into a customer or client, it's not just because of the product or service that person receivedβ€”it's because they felt connected with YOU! When you connect on an emotional level with someone and make them feel understood, they'll want to do business with you again and again.


Connecting with your customers is essential to building a successful business. You must have a clear understanding of who they are and what they want.


You must emotionally connect with your customers to build lasting relationships. This means that you should be able to identify their feelings and needs, as well as express empathy and compassion for them.


Once you've connected and emote, it's time to convert! Once you've identified what your customer wants, it's time to deliver it in a way that makes them feel like they're part of the process.

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The Business EQ Method

In this video, I'll share with you my method for connecting with the people you serve, and how that helps you generate more sales.

You can use this method to:

1. improve your ability to connect with customers and clients, so they feel like they really know and understand you

2. discover what it is that makes your customers tick (what motivates them to buy from you) so that you can better deliver value to them

3. generate more sales by connecting with your audience on an emotional level