Idea to Market ๐Ÿš€

Idea to Market - The Evolution of Marketing your Message and Business Online. The Masterclass and Toolkit

2022 was an evolution for me in creating and evolving a system for entrepreneurs and side hustlers that allows them to grow and scale their personal message - online. With online marketing, I mastered the art of being able to create a tribe around a focused message, get people interested in it, and allow my stories to spread organically.

So what is this concept ?

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it's more important than ever to understand how to use technology to your advantage. This is especially true for small businesses. With so many different marketing tools available, it can be challenging to know which ones are right for you and your business. With this toolkit we will explore all of the tools that are available and how they can assist you in making your business as effective as possible.

Idea to Market - The Evolution of Marketing your Message and Business Online

  • Marketing is an ongoing process. It's not just about advertising, it's about understanding your customers and what they want to hear from you.

  • Your message has to resonate with the people who are listening to it so that they will take action based on the information in it (or buy your product).

  • To be effective at marketing, you have to deliver your message in a way that makes sense for today's online environment

Who is my target audience?

Once you've defined your business and established your ideal market, it's time to get down to the nitty gritty of defining your target audience.

The first thing to do is figure out who the people are who will buy your product or service. This is not as easy as it sounds; sometimes, we can't identify our target audience because we're so close to our own product that we don't see beyond what we know into what they need. To help clarify this:

  • Who are they? What do they look like? Are they male or female? How old are they? What kind of life do they lead (and how does that affect their decisions)?

  • Where do they hang out online? Do they use social media sites differently than other sites like retail stores (for example)

  • How much money do they make? What kind of products have influenced them in the past - books, blogs, etc - and where did those come from (online sources or otherwise)

The Idea to Market Toolkit provides a structured approach to rapidly generate, test and validate your business model and marketing messaging.

The Idea to Market Toolkit provides you with a structured approach to rapidly generate, test and validate your business model and marketing messaging. It includes a set of tools, resources, processes, templates and worksheets which will help you develop your business model. The toolkit is available in digital format or as a printed book.

The tools are designed to help you:

  • Generate ideas for new products or services

  • Evaluate whether there is demand for those products or services on the market

  • Test the answers from previous steps with potential customers

1. Where to start? ๐Ÿš€

The Idea to Market Masterclass and Toolkit is the definitive guide to marketing your message and business online. Offering practical tips, tools and templates that you can use right away, it will help you:

  • Learn how to develop a brand strategy that's meaningful in your industry

  • Understand how technology can be used to build relationships with customers

  • Use social media channels effectively

  • Create an engaging website that converts visitors into leads or sales

2. What's your Big Idea?

Now that you have a clear picture of the market, it's time to focus on your Big Idea. Your Big Idea is what makes your business unique and different from everyone else in the market.

Your Big Idea is a simple but impactful statement about your business or product that people can easily understand and remember. It also explains why they should buy from you instead of someone else.

The more focused your message, the easier it will be for others to understand who you are and how they can benefit from doing business with you.

3. Market Research and Strategy

The third step you need to take before developing an effective marketing strategy is to conduct market research. This can be as detailed or broad as you like, but it's important that you gain some knowledge of your target audience and their needs so that you can tailor your message accordingly.

What kind of data do I need?

In order to create an effective marketing strategy for your business, it's crucial that you understand who will be reading/watching/listening to your content. This means understanding:

  • Who are the members of my target audience? What do they look like demographically? Where do they live geographically? What languages do they speak? How old are they likely to be (and how much disposable income)? Are there any other factors that might affect their willingness or ability to buy my product or service (e.g., health conditions, family status)?

4. Building a Marketing and Sales Funnel

Marketing funnels are a concept that describes the process of moving potential customers through awareness, consideration and action. They help you understand where your marketing efforts are working and where they may be falling short.

When developing a funnel for your business, make sure to include the following stages:

  • Awareness - getting people to notice or become aware of you and what you do. This can be done through advertising on Google Adwords or Facebook ads; through SEO (search engine optimisation); email campaigns or social media marketing.

  • Consideration - making people think about whether they would like to use your service/product or not. You might also consider building trust with potential customers by offering them discounts or free samples before they decide whether they want to buy from you at full price later on down the line once they've had time to test out your product/service first hand; this way it's less risk involved which means more sales opportunities too!

5. What's your messaging (or are you too busy to market yourself)?

If you havenโ€™t heard of it before, a message is the most fundamental thing that gives you an opportunity to be heard and then act on. Itโ€™s what motivates people to engage with your brand and buy from you. But if thereโ€™s one thing that we see every day in our work with clients, it's how many people struggle with creating this message.

This is because they don't think they need one! Or they don't know what makes a good one. And yet - without one - their marketing efforts can flounder, or worse still suffer from being completely random (and therefore ineffective).

So let's look at how you can create a powerful, effective message for your business - starting with some basic principles and moving onto some specific examples.

6. Planning in the Digital Age

In the digital age, where the pace of change is quicker than ever before and information overload is an inevitable reality for all human beings, planning your business and marketing can be a challenge. If you're not careful, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day chaos of running your business and losing sight of your goals.

That's why it's so important to take time out regularly (daily, weekly or monthly) to plan what you want your business to look like in six months' time, one year from now or five years from now.

A plan should include:

  • The desired outcome - what do you want? Why? How will this benefit others? What will success look like? What are the key objectives along the way?

  • Achievable milestones - these are short term goals that move closer towards achieving the end goal over time such as increasing sales by 20% within 6 months

  • Key actions needed for each milestone - these may include expanding into new markets or launching new products/services

7. Growing your Business Online, Keeping it all in Check, Tools and Resources

  • Trusted Software

  • Google Analytics (free)

  • Hubspot CRM

  • Freshbooks (free)

  • MailChimp/Mailerlite

  • Stripe Payments

These are just a few of the tools and resources that can help you grow your business online. Some free, but most have premium versions or add-ons that cost additional money.

8. How to Make Money Out of Your Blog or Website

  • How to Make Money Out of Your Blog or Website

We're all looking for ways to monetise our blogs and websites, right? Here are a few ideas:

  • Get paid for your content - You can get paid by advertising companies or sponsors who want exposure on your site. You get paid each time they run their ads on your site. Advertise a product or service you like, and get paid every time someone buys it through the link on your website.

  • This is called affiliate marketing; if you are promoting something that people need and want, this should be easy money! There's no risk involved in affiliate marketing because most companies will pay out when someone clicks through from your site onto theirs and makes a purchase using whatever payment method (credit card, PayPal etc) has been set up beforehand by both parties involved.

  • Sell products related to what you write about - If the content of your blog is about something specific such as home improvement tips then sell products related such as tools that are used in those projects.* Monetise with advertising - Put advertising banners around the outside edges (or even inside) of each page so these advertisers will pay per impression (each time someone looks at their banner).


Marketing your business online is a challenge, but also an opportunity. Itโ€™s a way to reach many new customers, but it can also be very time consuming and overwhelming if you donโ€™t know what you are doing. The Idea to Market Toolkit provides a structured approach to rapidly generate, test and validate your business model and marketing messaging. It will help you identify potential customers, build relationships with them through email marketing or social media platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn Groups , run contests which will attract more followers while rewarding them with free products or services offered by your business.