Selling your Step-by- Step Digital Offers - Your middle of sales funnel promotions

Selling your Step-by-Step Offers - Creating your Offers

There must be a “next logical step” for those who buy each of your products or services. If the point of entry into your customer’s list was an eBook, then perhaps the next step is a video guide or audio. If your customer has already purchased your video guide, a multi-week workshop might be next on the agenda. And if that multi-week workshop was successful, private consulting or mentoring may be the next solution.

It's so important to understand how people make decisions in their buyer journey online. We can't be great salespeople who are successful in promoting unless we do. But even if we do understand that, sometimes, we need a little help.

As you travel through the buying process, you will likely encounter newer opportunities to add additional value to your solution. You know your audience better than anyone else; they are moving closer to a decision, so at this stage in their buying process they may be ready to commit.

If they are not ready to buy yet? but they probably will buy if you follow up or convert to brand advocates. We call these offers Step-by-Step Upsell Offers because of the conversion steps that you can use to increase the average value of your sale.  There are several types of Step-by-Step Upsell Offers that can be very effective for companies at different stages in their respective sales funnels.


By thoughtfully including “next step” recommendations in your sales process, marketing, basket exit and follow-up emails, even in your products themselves, you can easily move your clients further into your funnel with timely upsell offers.

As your audience moves through the buying process, newer opportunities will arise to add value to your solution. Remember that your insights into your prospects will help guide them towards making a decision. They aren't ready yet--but they probably will buy, if you follow up now! This is called "Step-by-Step Upsell Offers," which are based on conversion steps that can be used to increase the average revenue of your sales. You should also know that there are several types of Step-by-Step Upsell Offers that can be very effective for companies in different stages in the sales pipelines:

As you travel through the buying process, you will likely encounter newer opportunities to add additional value to your solution. You know your audience better than anyone else; they are moving closer to a decision, so they may be ready to commit at this stage in their buying process. They aren't ready yet--but they probably will buy if you follow up now. We call these offers Step-by-Step Upsell Offers because of the conversion steps that you can use to increase the average value of your sale.  There are several types of Step-by-Step Upsell Offers that can be very effective for companies at different stages in their respective sales funnels:

Adding additional value to your prospect's solution is the first key to creating Step-by-Step Upsell Offer. You know your audience better than anyone else; they are ready to buy, so at this stage in their buying process they may be ready to commit. Step-by-Step Upsell Offers - the conversion steps that you can use to increase the average value of your sale.  Step-by-Step Upsell Offers that can be very effective for companies at different stages in their respective sales funnels:

Become a more effective salesperson and increase the number of deals you close by learning how to persuade customers. Learn how to capture customer sentiment and align it with their buying decisions in the upsell process.

Step-by-Step Upsell Offers are designed to increase the average revenue of your sales pipeline. As your prospects move through the buying process, you should provide them with opportunities to add value to your solution. For example, if they've already made a purchase but need help making the final decision, provide them with another option that suits their needs.

As your prospects move through the buying process, we can provide them with opportunities to add value to your solution. For example, if they've already made a purchase but need help making the final decision, we can provide them with another option that suits their needs.

If a prospect has already purchased an item, there is no need to invest their time in finding a similar product or service that may suit their needs better. Instead, you can provide them with another option directly tailored to what they've already invested themselves in. If they've made any purchases, look for ways to continue adding value during their buying journey.


Using a simple approach

As your prospects move through the buying process, remember that more opportunities to add value to your solution will arise. Your insights into your prospects will help guide them toward making a decision. Don't forget to follow up now!

Selling your Step-by- Step Offers


Selling your Step-by- Step Offers 〰️

I believe that if you want to be a successful sales professional, you need more than just product knowledge. You also need the ability to continually connect with prospects throughout the buying process. Persuasive selling is about understanding how people make decisions, and giving them what they want - at exactly the right time.

Understand how to make sales conversations in mutual win-win situations. By applying the steps, skills, and techniques of persuasion in a way that is authentic and aligned with today's buyers.

We'll teach you how to recognise and understand the buying process, engage prospects in meaningful dialogue that leads to mutual value, challenge competitive ideas and empower your prospects to take action.