The Art of the attraction Upsell to increase your promotion sales

The Art of the attraction Upsell to increase your promotion sales

So you have successfully filled your top of funnel with qualified leads and you’re starting to see a steady stream of sales, revenue and clients on your calendar. Congrats! That’s a great start to building a rock-solid sustainable business that you love. 

But the work doesn’t end with that first sale. In fact, it’s just beginning. It’s the beginning of the customer relationship.

Your next job is to continue to make relevant, sequential, ascension offers (and sales) to your now engaged and loyal advocates and hopefully soon to be customers. Remember, it’s much easier to sell to a current customer than to earn and acquire a new one, so don’t ignore those who have already expressed trust in you. In fact, in their learning pathway, this is often the very next step that they need to take.


Step-by-Step Offers - Middle of funnel promos 

There must be a “next logical step” for those who buy for each of your products or services. If the point of entry into your customer’s list was an eBook, then perhaps the next step is a video guide, you need to consider data-driven formats of content, so do check your insights and analytics so that your conversion rate is improved based on how your audience engages. 

If they have already purchased your video guide, a multi-week workshop might be next on the agenda. And if that multi-week workshop was a hit, private freelancing, consulting or coaching is going to be a positive next step that they may next need. 

Many stop at the initial offer forgetting and leaving profit on the table with middle of funnel promotions.

Automate Your Follow-Ups

Of course, it can be tricky to manage all your products and services, so savvy business owners are careful to create a post-purchase autoresponder series to follow every product purchase. You’ll want to include emails that encourage your buyer to consume the products they have already purchased, plus tips to help them progress even further. 

As they purchase your next offer, make sure you make use of the automation tools available in your email software to remove her from the “sales” list and add her to the “buyers” list for that next product. When you manage this well, your clients will progress easily from one offer to the next.

We are the partnership between your business middle of funnel gap sales, your data, sales conversions, digital strategy & visibility, integrations, and your leads.  

Our focus is on building a profitable digital customer journey whilst improving and enhancing your customer retention and experience.

Our goal is to improve our customer's digital productivity and profitability to support your lifestyle, profit, and business growth.

We are your back end team, focused on keeping your business abreast of the most up to date legislation, innovation, ecosystem, technologies in innovative ways to constantly improve your sales funnels results with strategic data-driven digital commerce support, strategy, recommendation, and implementation.  

If you are looking to increase your middle of funnel promotions, please check our solutions here. Or complete the contact form below.

Position your step by step offers - The art of the upsell.

Position your upsell offers to create the ultimate value for your customers, increase your middle of funnel profit, and engage purchasers to become lifetime customers.

In order to do this you have to consider a number of factors that may include anything below; 

  • Integrity of messaging

  • The psychology of the one time offer

  • Lead with Value

  • Leave scarcity alone

  • Be compliant

Each country must abide by advertising laws, this is a great point to take into consideration when presenting the middle of funnel offers. You want to ensure that the offer is valuable, a no brainer purchase, but does not have a hefty discount in the timeline that others may have paid the full price.

By thoughtfully including “next step” recommendations in your follow-up emails and even in your products themselves, you can easily move your clients further into your funnel with timely upsells.

Looking for support in your Sales Management Support or a Sales Funnel Manager. Sales Funnel Manager

Everything your business needs to succeed online to create, improve, and grow your digital online presence, income, and profit.

How it works, options below

  • Each month you pay for your management fee and choose a bolt-on (implementation)

  • Perfect for those wishing to get started (includes 1 hour of implementation)

  • Sales Funnel - Uplevel and accelerate your results (includes up to 3 hours of implementation, ideal for use between months 1-6)

Our focus is on building a profitable digital customer journey whilst improving and enhancing your customer retention and experience.

Our goal is to improve our customer's digital productivity and profitability to support your lifestyle, profit, and business growth.

We are your back end team, focused on keeping your business abreast of the most up to date legislation, innovation, ecosystem, technologies in innovative ways to constantly improve your sales funnels results with strategic data-driven digital commerce support, strategy, recommendation, and implementation.  

Segment Your Lists and Offers

One thing to be cautious of is trying to force buyers to make too big of a leap. The customer who bought your $47 product is not as likely to sign on for a $1997 coaching program—at least not yet. Having said that you may have 

I have had prospects waste my time and focus too much energy on jumping from thing to thing, instead of reaping the reward of completion. I focused on the front of funnel sales and promotions that were misaligned, avoiding doing the work. You will have prospective clients looking for quick non-sustainable solutions, the key is to know your people and be confident in your process.

I have had customers who have never met me invest after a diagnostic call to a £10.000 k consulting and implementation support. When I was only aiming to sell a £150.00 strategy call.

I have had clients who have observed my consistency reach out and sign up for £7k program support because of building relationships with valuable content.

By segmenting your mailing lists you can avoid making overly aggressive offers, and instead send your buyers exactly what they need when they need it. 

Upselling your buyers is the key to higher income with less misaligned offers. Don’t be afraid to make offers, and remember, a happy buyer is primed to make another purchase. They are looking for and counting on you to show them what’s next, so don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re bothering or annoying a prospect by making offers. Do it thoughtfully, and your customer will actually thank you for it.