Managing Digital client expectations and boundaries


Reduce overwhelm

Running a business and managing channels for clients as a Digital Growth Business and Venture Consultant has created a huge amount of pressure on having to be Digitally available previously.

4 years ago even before the pandemic when the pressure to be digitally available peaked, I adopted alternative ways of working to manage relationships, improve efficiency and productivity, and expectations. Clients often have big expectations for their projects. As a digital provider, you need to manage clients’ boundaries and expectations before you even get started.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by client needs, wants and expectations. Managing your client's expectations and setting clear boundaries is essential in running a profitable and stress-free business.

After helping thousands of students and hundreds of clients, my team and I have learned that client expectations are at the heart of the matter.

Set boundaries in a way that makes sense for your business without over-promising or under-delivering to your clients. You will learn how to identify unrealistic expectations, communicate what you can and cannot do for your clients, how to set technology boundaries with your clients so you're not being taken advantage of and how to automate the process of client communication so you're saving time and making more money!


Manage client expectations and boundaries so you don't get caught in overwhelm or sacrifice your finances or well-being as a result.


- Responding to texts at any time and all of the time

- People pleasing

- Suffering deception

- Attracting unreasonable demands

- Over delivering

- Those taking my helpful and kind nature for weakness, impacting my well being, family time and effectively my business

- Calling without appts and taking advantage

- Slip scope on projects and the budget

- Expecting work in the evenings, weekends and even after 1am in the morning

Better manage digital client expectations and set boundaries to reduce overwhelm and quality client relationships.

I have implemented the following boundaries below;

- booking set times with set hours to cover set objectives

- providing set working office hours

- communicating set friend/client communication expectations on social media and private numbers

- putting communication channels in place

- making my mobile number off-limits

- asking clients to commit to the mode of communication instead of multichannel back and forth

- withdrawing from fruitless networking in certain social groups

- having ‘online, digital’ codes of conduct

- reduce anxiety setting a comms and reporting dates or calendar to manage expectations and support KPI’s

- providing alternative communication channels

- communicating ways of working and working with customers and clients to understand their best way of working to make this a win-win for you both. To help clients to achieve their goal

Have you ever experienced any of these situations?

Get the clarity and confidence to manage expectations and boundaries with your digital clients. Manage client expectations so you can take control of your workload and avoid overwhelm. Create effective systems that enable your business to grow without extra work or stress.

Clients are the bread and butter of your Business but always being available can cause burnout if you don't manage your time and projects. Learn how to set appropriate boundaries by deciding what's reasonable for you to offer—and what isn't—using communication skills designed to keep clients' expectations in check. For example, you'll learn how to define your boundary for responding to urgent requests, and decide when emergencies occur. You'll also learn how to protect time for personal and team growth so that you don't sell yourself short by spending all your energy not managing your time well.

Communicate clear boundaries, expectations, and pricing from the start, build a trusting working relationship with your clients and manage them with confidence. You’ll also be empowered to say no to unreasonable requests or client relationships that just don’t feel like a fit, whilst being respectful and honourable.

Do you have an unplugged time in your business? Do you know how to set boundaries with your clients so you aren’t expected to work around the clock? What extra perks can you offer to align more with your dream client?

I am grateful to have great clients who believe in balance and reciprocal respectful relationships.

Make your time more valuable, balance the time you spend with clients and increase your revenue in the process. Provide your clients with impeccable and efficient customer service and a customer experience that

Do you have an unplugged time in your business? Do you know how to set boundaries with your clients so you aren’t expected to work around the clock? What extra perks can you offer to align more with your dream client?

Digital distractions are increasing every day. You need smart, respectful boundaries at work and home for both your mental health and effectiveness. But how do you tell a client to expect slower email responses?

Grab my free ‘Agency/Client Onboarding and Boundaries Letter/Email template’ here📌