Changes to consider to improve Your Business Practices for wellbeing, efficiency and productivity

1. Your business rules your life.

If your customers and clients are calling, texting, or emailing at all hours of the day, expecting you to answer, your business is ruling your life. Boundaries are important to your wellbeing and clients should know upfront that you are not on call 24/7. As a Business Owner, customer service is essential by setting your boundaries and business hours. Provide communication practices such as client Voxer (with a response time), setting, messaging protocols, chatbots or a helpdesk, managing expectations.

2. You feel run down.

Being run down and experiencing Business burnout comes when you are solely responsible for completing every task. Or when you don’t set boundaries. Or when work infringes on your personal and family time. The ultimate result is you end up physically sick and/or it can make you want to give up and quit. Your brain and body need downtime to relax and regroup, which is why a good night’s sleep is so important to physical health. Constantly thinking about business without a break is a natural case for burnout. Outsource your admin tasks, get help with social media, and/or marketing tasks. Leave work at the office, even if it’s your home office at the end of the day. Set office hours.


3. You don’t have any free time with family, friends or time for balance.

Your friends and family will certainly complain if you fall off the face of the earth working your business but these complaints may one day turn to resentment. A spouse may resent being the sole caregiver while you work all hours of the day. 

People get fed up of you always not being available I have been there !

If you have a family (your kids may feel you love the business more than them). Your friends may get tired of issuing invitations if they think your business takes top priority. Without a strong support structure, your efforts to build a legacy may leave you alone in the world.


4. You spend more time on business and work tasks than with clients.

If your primary purpose of starting a business is to give value and help others, then why are you spending more time on those  tasks than clients or client work?

Yes, you need to market yourself to obtain new clients but implementing your marketing strategy can certainly be done while you are with your clients. Hiring a support or a strategist can help you stay focused on your clients instead of worrying so much about where to find your next client. 

Change isn’t easy, especially when you’re talking about changing things about your established business. But the right changes can breathe new life into your business.

Are You Ready for Change but Not Sure Where to Start?

My 30 Day Business Planning Bootcamp is the answer you need. This is a 4-part, self-study toolkit that helps you assess and analyse what needs to be changed and how to implement those changes. Some changes are easy, others are more difficult, but they will all be worthwhile if they streamline your business so you can bring in more profits. Sign up to the mailing waitlist here