Minding the Martech Gap

Minding the Martech Gap

A biweekly newsletter presenting the latest tools, platforms, software and innovation in emerging digital technologies, helping you to grow, scale and raise.

Mind the Martech Gap is a biweekly newsletter sharing best practices, tools, platforms, software, and trends highlighting marketing, digital and emerging technologies, and innovations to help companies and businesses grow and scale up.

A global Speaker and Entrepreneur. Technology, Marketing & Innovation Advisor supporting Small & Medium-Scale Businesses, Startups, Ventures and Corporates to embrace and leverage Digital Technologies through innovative solutions.

The convergence of technology innovation with digital marketing gives businesses the opportunity to leap forwardโค , enabling them to gain unprecedented competitive advantage, reach new customers and propel revenue growth.

After a career in Project Management and Marketing, Katrina now Consultโ€™s, Trains and Coaches Agencies, Corporations and Business owners with In-House CPD Accredited and certified solutions and strategies to audit, ideate, implement and build R & D Innovative, Technology Automated and active Sales Funnels, Digital Business Architecture Lead Systems and Client Acquisition Funnels.

A certified and qualified Adult Trainer, Educator and Lecturer as well as being trained with industry experts such as Harvard Online and Silicon Valley Innovation Center. Blending Academia, Corporate, Business, Practice and Theory, a serial accomplished Entrepreneur and Consultant. With over 23 years of extensive experience as a Marketing Strategist, Project Programme/PMO Manager and a Digital Business Transformation Analyst.

With features in Forbes, Psychologies Magazine and The Times.

Minding the Martech Gap

A biweekly newsletter sharing best practice, tools, platforms, software, trends highlighting Marketing, Digital, Emerging R & D, Technologies, and Innovations, to help companies and businesses grow, scale, raise and prepare for exit.

Providing a unique look at the unseen, start-up, Venture, Corporate and Entrepreneur Martech and Innovation opportunities that come out of technological developments. The current rapid advancements in emerging tech, IOT, AI, Cloud Computing, Mobility are creating an enormous impact across all industries. Focusing on best market practice, uncovering emerging business trends, growth opportunities and challenges from leaders in the field as well as regular interviews with pioneers of key innovations. Minding the Martech gap includes articles, videos and case studies from leading experts, interviews with CEO's and industry leaders, thought pieces from founders and entrepreneurs, innovations to think about. Sign up today for free to hear first about new content published.

Why MarTech?

The pace of technological change is faster than ever and with new products, services and platforms emerging every few weeks it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of the latest developments.